Friday, January 21, 2011

NOTW: China Glaze Coconut Kiss

Hey Dolls!

How are ya'll doing? I hope everyone is fantastic! I'm so sorry I've been away for so long. I've been trying to adjust from living in a city to now living in the country Lol! And I've also been busy trying to find a new job and register for school. But anywhos, I just want to say I'm back!

I've missed you Dolls so much! It's only been a week and I miss you all ;0) I want to say Thank you sooooooo much for supporting my blog. I Love ya'll so much!

I'm back with a NOTW! I love purple eyeshadows but I realize that I hardly ever wear purple nail polish so I brought a purple nail called Coconut Kiss. I absolutely love the name of the nail polish and the color.


What color nail polish are you dolls currently rockin'?

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog!



Beauty by Kai said...

Beautiful color!!! This looks like a must have :)

-Kai <3

Chanel said... already know what color I'm rocking today. I'm trying to firgure out what color I will wear tomorrow for my 'surprise' birthday party. Any ideals?

Keisha said...

Thank you Hun ;0)

Lol.. yeah great minds think alike ;0) Lol for your "surprise" birthday party you should wear something with sparkle or something gold or silver... something that stands out!

HelloEmy said...

Love the color! i recently bought one like that too

Keisha said...

Thats great! Thank you for the comment Love ;0)